Student Medical Check Up

Student Medical Checkup

Student Medical Checkup – RM 90.00

Routine Procedure

  • Medical Officer Consultation

Radiology Examination

  • Chest (PA) – 1 view
  • Imaging Report

Laboratory Test

  • Urine (FEME)

MARA Medical Checkup – RM 230.00

Routine Procedure

  • Medical Officer Consultation

Radiology Examination

  • Chest (PA) – 1 View
  • Imaging Report

Laboratory Test

  • Urine FEME
  • Urine Drug
  • Anti HCV
  • Reagin Ab-VDRL
  • HIV Antibody
  • HbsAg
  • HbsAb

JPA Medical Checkup – RM 199.00

Routine Procedure

  • Medical Officer Consultation

Radiology Examination

  • Chest (PA) – 1 View
  • Imaging Report

Laboratory Test

  • Urine FEME
  • Urine Drug
  • TPHA Test
  • Reagin Ab-VDRL
  • HIV Antibody
  • HbsAg


  • Results will be ready in the next day or within 24 hours
  • Health screening is conducted during office hours only (Sample taken)

For further inquiries or to make an appointment, contact us at 03-5543 4000 or book Appointment Here.